Tuesday 12 April 2011

Lucknow blocks road freight path


The restrictions on entry of goods vehicles into city limits are nothing new. Such restrictions are in force in many cities. But in some States, the duration of restriction defies logic.

As the scribe of a transport journal, while travelling in a 40-tonne truck from Jamshedpur to Ludhiana, noted, all commercial vehicles are stopped outside Lucknow for more than 16 hours — from 6 am to 10.30 pm.

The reason: Movement of loaded heavy commercial vehicles within Lucknow city is not permitted during the period and both NH-56 (linking Lucknow with Varanasi) and NH-24 (linking Lucknow with New Delhi) pass through the heart of the city. It is not difficult to imagine the huge loss (the duration of restriction multiplied by the number affected vehicles) suffered by the economy due to the ban.

One way of avoiding the restriction is to take a detour via Barabanki. But the road to Barabanki is so narrow that heavy vehicles will find it almost impossible to negotiate it.

The other alternative is the construction of a bypass skirting Lucknow city. Whether such construction will be the priority for NHAI is of course another matter.

(This article was published in the Business Line print edition dated April 11, 2011)

Courtesy: Hindu Business Line

The Journalist mentioned in this piece is yours sincerely!

Here's the open letter I wrote to NHAI Chairman Mr R S Gujral, a few weeks ago:

Shri R S Gujral 3 March 2011
National Highway Authority of India
New Delhi

Dear Mr Gujral,

Sub: Lucknow Crossing

Last month, I had the pleasure of passing through Lucknow on a heavy commercial vehicle (40 tonne Tata trailer carrying wire roads from Jamshedpur to Ludhiana). You wonder why I was travelling in such a mode of transport. Let me clarify. This 1650 km onroad journey was part of my learning process to understand the logistical nightmare of commercial vehicles passing through various states. You will appreciate India is like a federation of several states – each with its own set of road rules etc. I wish to bring to your kind attention one particular issue. Kindly permit me to elaborate.

Lucknow Crossing: All heavy commercial vehicles were halted on the outskirts of Lucknow from 6 a.m. to 10.30 p.m. Entry restrictions into the city limits is nothing new in many states. But what puzzled me was such a long duration of restriction: 16 hours! We were told that this 16-hour ban on entry into Lucknow is to avoid traffic congestion and enable smooth passage for regulars: read, non commercial vehicles. Secondly, we were told that the highway NH 56 (linking Benares to Lucknow) and NH 24 (linking Lucknow with New Delhi) – yes, both conjoin in Lucknow – have to pass through the heart of city which houses the secretariat and the residential quarters of senior bureaucrats of Uttar Pradesh government.

If heavy commercial vehicles were permitted to trek through during daytime, this may impede the smooth functioning of UP government is the argument spelt out by police officials whom we met with while waiting on the outskirts of Lucknow.

UP government’s concern for smooth passage during daytime is understandable. But, it appears that no thought about the loss incurred by stopping the free or smooth flow of commerce of the country that has to pass through Lucknow to other parts of the country has been given its due weightage.

In fact, we were advised to take a detour via Barabanki and touch Lucknow if we want to beat the 16-hour long entry ban. But the narrow passage of road to Barabanki which would not permit trailers (both Over Dimensional Cargo and non-ODC) posed a challenge. Sir, in the absence of a bypass from NH 56 and link it with NH 24 without touching Lucknow city proper, this unusually long hours of entry restrictions does not sound logical.

In most cities or state capitals, road entry restrictions are definitely in force. But during peak hours. For instance, heavy commercial vehicles will not be permitted into Bangalore city from 7 a.m. to 10 a.m. – barely 3 hours in the morning and again in the evening – 5 p.m. to 9 p.m. So also, entry into Delhi from Gurgaon on NH 8. Even in Jamshedpur, entry for heavy commercial vehicles is banned till 5 p.m. After 5 p.m., heavy commercial vehicles began to ply. Otherwise trade and commerce will be affected.

Sir, as the nodal agency for planning and strategising national highways, it is NHAI’s responsibility to ensure smooth passage of India’s commerce on its roads.

I request you to look into this issue and reconsider the existing policy of 16-hour long entry restrictions into Lucknow at the earliest.

Warm regards

Ramesh Kumar, Consulting Editor ,SAARC Journal of Transport, New Delhi

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