Sunday 20 March 2011

Flipping Through My Photo Collections-1

Almost a year back, once Logistics Times launch was finalised, our objective was to move away from the "garland of press-releases" and email questionnaires by marketing team to logistics players route.

How to be different? Yes, that was the moot question.

It was then we thought of "Ground Zero" approach. That is we will put our pen to paper or type out on our laptops/desktops unless we meet people in flesh and blood and visit sites of the companies' operations.

A friend asked: what is there to see? "All transportwallas!" Otherwise, godown owners.

But we knew what we were getting into. That's when for the inaugural issue, we decided to visit an unwritten project in the logistics magazine segment and provide a first hand information.

While scouting around for a quick prey, we bounced on DP World and Baxi-owned Vishaka Container Terminal at Vizag, Andhra Pradesh.

How to reach out? That's when we zeroed in on Pramod Bhandari, stationed in Balaji Estate, New Delhi office.

He was overwhelmed to received us and hear our request for a spot visit for LT's inaugural issue: May 2010.

Over 90 minute long chat, the mission was accomplished. Yes, he gave approval to visit Vizag.

While at his office, I could not capturing a few glimpses of artifices that he is surrounded with.

The Vizag visit did transpire a fortnight later and we our inaugural issue carried a Ground Zero report on Vishaka Container Terminal which Editor Ritwik Sinha and yours truly visited. Check out the story at from the archives. (Registration required)

Meanwhile, take a look at what did I see at Bhandari's office ....

Look at the pencil sketch of him on his right side.

A miniature ship inside bulb!

An old India map - framed and hung on the wall - depicting Mughal era.

Paintings adore the walls of many top honchos in logistics segment as well. Look at this one. There were many at Bhandari's office.

Actually, am thinking of putting the art collection of logistics honchos' together soon.

Yeah, these supremos may deal in mundane chores. But their tastes are supine!

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