Sunday 20 March 2011

Photoshoot @ Om Logistics

After four days of verbal pow-wow with the senior executive team members of Rs.800 crore plus Om Logistics, it was time for photo shoot.

During interview days, most of them turned up in casual wear and we strongly felt that a prim and propah business wear mode for them is a necessity for our April 2011 cover story.

When the idea is mooted to Chairman and Managing Director Ajay Singhal on Day 4, he has no hassles.

Akash Bansal, Head-Logistics, takes up the responsibilty of gathering the team on Saturday (19 March 2011).

With Editor Ritwik Sinha and lensman Anil Baral in tow, we landed up at Om Logistics' Punjabi Bagh corporate headquarters for the 3 p.m. shoot schedule.

Sure, everyone is in formal business gear.

For the next two hours, the team is marched out into the first floor and ground floor reception areas to get some perfect group as well as individual shots.

Baral puts the CMD into various postures in his spacious cabin earlier.

It was fun for us. But a challenge for those who have been shot.

Smile please. Say 'cheese'. cross your hands in front. Half right. Half left. Well, commandments were many.

Thank God, they obliged.

It's tough to pose.

Faking smile is not easy, they all will vouchsafe.

That's why I always prefer photographers to shoot during the interview is in progress because the speaker emotes naturally with right gesticulations. No faking at all.

Our best shoot, Baral will agree, over the past year or so was when we did with ex-Ceva Logistics Director Freight Mangement Soman Nambiar.

Here is a glimpse of a few photo shoot clips from Om...

Om Trans Logistics CEO Vikram Garg gets ready for the shoot inside CMD's cabin.

Editor Ritwik Sinha closely watches as Lensman Anil Baral repositions camera-on-tripod inside CMD Ajay Singhal's cabin. Unmindful of the happenings around him, Om Trans CEO Vikram Garg is engrossed in reading the March 2011 issue of Logistics Times while Om Logisics Head Akash Bansal is twiddling his thumbs.

Now the crowd has thickened inside CMD's cabin. Puneet Gupta (standing), Director of Om Infra Construction, has moved in. Bansal is all smiles as he watches his Boss being put through the 'grind' by our lensman Baral!

Now the team moves into the first floor office area for group photo session. Yes, all booted and suited!

The color lights are switched on in the reception area giving a 'glow' to the Om group's logo on the wall. CMD Singhal looks on from the first floor with satisfaction as pre-shoot work is in full swing.

Another round of individual shots of CMD Singhal on the first floor with company logo as the backdrop.

Calm & composed. It's helluva of challenge to retain poise when you are converted into a puttie in the hands of cameraman. Photographers are never satisfied until they get the 'perfect' shot. Invariably, the first shot is never the best shot for them, they think so. Naturally, this leads to multiple clicks with minor adjustments of light exposure, facial adjustment (chin down or up, turn left, turn right etc). Seldom did CMD Singhal lost his cool. He was personification of Buddha during this 2-hour long photo stint!

Corporate Communications' Lalit chats up a few core team members as they wait for the "photo call".

Bansal and OMX Head Shantanu Dutta are lost in thought while the photo shoot session is in progress.

Look at their hands! All in unison. But it was no easy task - getting all them to do the same thing. They've to be commandeered! Sweet souls. They all obliged. Well, at times, we have to coax them to fake "smile".

Well, that's it for now...

Watch out for the April edition of LOGISTICS TIMES for a full-fledged feature on Om Logistics. An interesting company.

Happy Holi!

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