Wednesday 23 March 2011

IT SPEND Survey- Softlink - Key Insights

Key Insights - Investment in Information Technology – 2010 and 2011

(Planned)>Most of the logistics companies have planned an increase in investment on information technology for 2011.

There is an increase of 12% in IT investment outlay for 2011 in the range of `10 Lakh to `25 Lakh as against 2010.

Majority of the respondents from large and SME have indicated that they will either increase their budget outlay for 2011 or continue with the budget outlay of 2010

The survey reveals that there is an increase of 41% in investment of more than `1 Crore in IT compared to 2010 16% of the respondents have said that they are still undecided on their investment plan for 2011.

While large companies have shown a marked increase of 75% from last year in investment of more than `1 Crore on IT, there is a drop in the percentage of SME from the previous year by 56%.

The number of large companies planning to invest around `50 Lakh to `1 Crore bracket has remained the same as 2010 whereas there has been a drop of 56% among the SME from the figure of 2010.

Incidentally there is an increase of 3% from the figures of 2010 in large companies planning to invest less than `10 Lakh.

Compared to 2010, the SME segment has seen an increase of 85% in `10 to `25 Lakh range.

Courtesy: Softlink, Mumbai, India

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